
Barnes & Noble Bookfair!

Barnes & Noble Bookfair!

I'll be at the Barnes & Noble Saturday June 18th for a Bookfair & Fundraiser!• Saturday, June 18 from 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Author/Illustrator Book SigningsAC Gaughen, Stacy DeKeyser, Karen Day, Donna Mae, MarcyKate Connolly,Sharron Kahn Luttrell, Kim Harrington and...

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Real Sisters Pretend

Real Sisters Pretend

Real Sisters Pretend by Megan Dowd Lambert, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell. Published by Tilbury House, May 2016.Told with simple words and playful illustrations, this book touches on the topics of adoption, two moms, and multiracial family life.Modern families can...

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An Unlikely Story Event!

The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators presents:Leap into ReadingAuthors * Illustrators * Book Signingsat An Unlikely Story Book Store and Café111 South St.Plainville, MA 02762Saturday February 27 from 12:30-3:30 p.m.On Saturday, February 27,...

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Real Sisters Pretend coming in May!

Real Sisters Pretend coming in May!

Thanks to Megan Dowd Lambert and Tilbury House Publishers!This warm, engaging story, which unfolds entirely through the conversation of two adopted sisters, was inspired by the author’s own daughters, whom she overheard talking about how adoption made them “real...

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The CAT Agency, Inc.
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