NESCBWI Conference

NESCBWI Conference

It’s always fun going to conferences. Walk into a room and automatically I’m surrounded by people who I have a lot in common: love of children’s books. I met new friends and reconnected with old ones. I finally met Louise May, who I worked with on NO...
NESCBWI Conference

NESCBWI Conference

The New England SCBWI conference is tomorrow! I am looking forward to meeting fellow authors and illustrators, as well as librarians, teachers, editors, art directors and other folks.I was happy to do the illustration for the postcard, as well. 🙂 It was a challenge,...
MRA Conference

MRA Conference

Yesterday I went to the Massachusetts Reading Association’s annual conference. I was a presenter, and did a workshop with transparancies – my first time using those. I usually do a powerpoint slide show, but I don’t have my own projector or laptop....