28 Days Later 2009!

28 Days Later 2009!

The Brown Bookshelf Announces ’09 Spotlight Roster Yayy! I’ll be spotlighted on Feb. 3rd, the same day as the opening reception at Quinsigamond Community College. Art from NO MUSH TODAY will be on exhibit! I’ll post more details on the QCC show soon....


When I heard someone say that they never thought they’d see this in their lifetime, I felt a bit puzzled and almost…amazed.I think of Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, and so many other shows where the future is shown with leaders of many colors.So...

Post-holiday blahs….

Now that the holidays and the travelling are all over, I can get back to the artwork, right? Right? Tell that to my sluggish hands. I’m feeling pretty blah at the moment.I’m at that stage that many artists get to…everything I do looks crappy, all my...